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A woman with a dog working from homeWhether you specialize in carpentry, web design, or accounting, the availability of online resources and professional networks enables almost anyone to engage with potential clients and manage essential day-to-day business tasks independently. This growing pool of freelancers and self-employed professionals has simplified the process for employers, making it easier than ever to hire independent contractors to fulfill specific business needs.
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As a business owner in North Carolina, you have the option of hiring contract or permanent employees – and many more businesses are using contract workers while sorting out the uncertainty in the economy. A contract employee is essentially a freelancer who has agreed to work for you for a mutually-agreed upon period of time, which may be extended if you see fit. A permanent employee has been hired with the understanding that he or she will go on working for you until a termination or a resignation. Both types of employees have their advantages and disadvantages. Some of the advantages of contract employees, however, are illusory.
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View of a neighborhoodConsidering the barrage of daily concerns, your homeowner's insurance policy may be the last thing on your mind. And yet, examining and reevaluating home insurance policies on an annual basis is a critical facet of homeownership, ensuring adequate coverage and protection for the most valuable asset and source of equity for many people in North Carolina and beyond. Premiums, like much else in the current economic climate, are forecasted to see some big increases in the coming year, with some expected to exceed $1,000 a year and many slated for rate hikes in the double digits.
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Avoiding Remodeling MishapsSummer's generally agreeable weather and extended daylight hours in North Carolina make it an ideal season to tackle renovations, remodels, and other household fix-its. Still, these projects aren't without inherent challenges and risks. A little due diligence at the onset can do much to minimize unhappy surprises and make for successful, stress-free (or, at least, as close as it gets) renovations.
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How to Avoid a Corporate LawsuitAn impending lawsuit is never good news. Not only are they costly, but, perhaps worse, they can permanently damage a company's reputation, an expense no business can easily afford during highly competitive consumer and employee markets like the current. While companies are sued for a range of reasons, there are a few recurring culprits that can be avoided with appropriate planning, clear communication, and due diligence.
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Back to Work: Considerations for re-opening the officeWhen COVID-19 shut the entire world down two years ago, many wondered how businesses would pivot and persist. As closures and restrictions continued far beyond anyone's initial projections, it became obvious that "business as usual" was going to be anything but. And, while the transition to a remote model for schools and businesses throughout the world was an unprecedented shift with no real map for structure or outcomes, many made the adjustment with relative ease and found the remote model was not without benefit. Now, as the corporate world attempts a return to what was, it faces a number of concerns and considerations, not the least of which being a pool of employees that might rather remain remote.
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Business: Small Business Advice from Big-Time ExecutivesInternet queries for advice about finding success in life, love, and business consistently top trending charts, while self-help titles touting one route or another as the road to greatness never fail to make their mark on the New York Times Bestsellers list. So, if you've ever wondered how to make that proverbial lemonade from the lot of lemons life may have dealt you, here are some bits of entrepreneurial wisdom from some of the world's most successful people.
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All About Agua: Water Safety for HomeownersYou hear a lot about water conservation lately, but what about water quality? Where does a household's water even come from, how is it maintained, and how can you know if it's safe for you and your family? Here's what you need to know about the water in your home, and what might indicate a problem
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