home safety

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Before and after of a diy projectSpring is a time for renewal in North Carolina, and that often means tackling some DIY projects around the house. But before you dive headfirst into those home improvement dreams, consider the potential hazards lurking beneath the surface. From electrical mishaps to structural risks, spring DIY projects come with a hidden layer of dangers that can turn a fun weekend project into a costly (and potentially dangerous) mess. Let's explore some of the common spring DIY risks and how to avoid them, ensuring your home improvements go off without a hitch.
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handyman inspecting hvac ventWith colder temperatures and snow on the horizon for those located in the northern part of the country, this is the time of year to batten down the hatches as they say. In doing so, one of the most important factors to check is your insulation. Proper insulation not only keeps the cold out, but it also keeps the energy bills down.
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Home Radon TestIn a world full of visible dangers, the last thing anyone in North Carolina wants to think about is the invisible ones. But they're there and, believe it or not, many of them may be lurking inside your home. According to the CDC, each year, approximately 430 people in the U.S. die from accidental carbon monoxide poisoning and more than 50,000 are treated for it. Mold is prevalent in an estimated 70 percent of American homes. And the EPA and Surgeon General attribute more than 21,000 annual deaths from lung cancer in the U.S. to radon exposure.
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Home Pool SafetySwimming pools are wonderful complements to summer weather. Few things are better than stepping outside your home for a cool dip, hosting poolside parties or watching your kids play themselves to exhaustion in the water. Most of us understand that pools also pose a danger but it is important to understand the extent of that danger, the components and preventative measures we can take to keep our pools safe.
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Home: Exterior Upkeep for Lasting Value and LongevityDoes your home need a new paint job or a quick refresh on the trim? Are the gutters overflowing with the remains of fall foliage? Or are larger issues demanding immediate attention, like doors and windows, the roof, or the foundation? Whether you thrive on weekends filled with do-it-yourself projects or hide at the mere suggestion, summer's long days and generally agreeable weather in North Carolina offer the ideal opportunity to take on the range of home maintenance and improvement tasks to preserve value and functionality for years to come. Here are a few considerations for fixing up the exterior of your home in the months to come.
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Summertime Safety: Keeping kids safe around waterFor many, summer ushers in sunny afternoons spent lounging by pools, floating lazy rivers, and taking the boat out for waterskiing, fishing, and all things wet and wonderful in North Carolina. And, whether by a backyard kiddie pool or a local pond, children are particularly enamored, making water safety a foremost concern for parents.
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First Aid Kit Planning 101It's one of those things that's overlooked until it's absolutely necessary: a first aid kit. Whether you're relaxing at home, navigating five-o-clock traffic, or summer adventuring in your new RV, having a simple first aid kit can mean the difference between an inconvenience and an emergency.
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Avoiding Remodeling MishapsSummer's generally agreeable weather and extended daylight hours in North Carolina make it an ideal season to tackle renovations, remodels, and other household fix-its. Still, these projects aren't without inherent challenges and risks. A little due diligence at the onset can do much to minimize unhappy surprises and make for successful, stress-free (or, at least, as close as it gets) renovations.
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The Most Common Holiday-Related Insurance ClaimsThe holiday season is upon us, meaning it's time to be jolly, gather with friends and family, and, hopefully, stay safe. But in addition to the things we're all wishing for, the holidays can bring some unwanted gifts in the form of accidents, damages, or injuries that might result in an insurance claim. So what are the most common holiday-related insurance claims and how can you avoid them? Read on to find out.
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Creating Your Own Emergency Supply KitAs youngsters, the more serious-minded among us were vigilant about making the Scout motto "Be Prepared" a reality. Now with the latest round of fires, earthquakes and hurricanes, the old adage is more relevant than ever. Even in North Carolina, we all have the potential to encounter the occasional unpredicted mishap. But few events can be as unpredictable, or devastating, as natural disasters: hurricanes, floods, wildfires, tsunamis, severe storms, tornadoes, and landslides, many of which we've been faced with lately.
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Cutting Back on the Vampire Energy SuckersMost people these days are concerned about saving money and reducing their family's carbon footprint. We do this by turning off the lights, installing energy-saving devices, and making sure our homes are efficient in whatever ways we can. But did you know that there are many appliances in your home that may be using up energy and costing you money, even when they are completely turned off? Read on to learn more about these "energy vampires" and how you can prevent them from silently wasting your home's energy resources.
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Protecting Your Property from TheftMultiple studies have demonstrated that crime rates increase in the summer. Why? Well, the answer is complex, but researchers have suggested that some of the reasons include:
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Summer Building Project: Fencing"Good fences make good neighbors," wrote Robert Frost in his poem "Mending Wall." And the legendary poet makes a good point, as fences can offer privacy, protect younger family members and pets as they spend time outdoors, and add to the aesthetics and value of a home.
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All About Agua: Water Safety for HomeownersYou hear a lot about water conservation lately, but what about water quality? Where does a household's water even come from, how is it maintained, and how can you know if it's safe for you and your family? Here's what you need to know about the water in your home, and what might indicate a problem
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How to Protect Yourself as a RenterAll renters have rights. Some are guaranteed by law, while others will be outlined in your lease agreement. Here are some things you can do to be a savvy renter and protect yourself if things go wrong:
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