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an empty couchThe love month is upon us, when, on February 14, baby Cupid flies around with a bow and arrow. While many people celebrate the tradition with chocolate, flowers, or a night of fine dining, it's likely that not many have knowledge of where and how this holiday began. According to the History Channel, that's because much of the background is still a mystery aside from the fact that the Catholic Church recognizes a Saint Valentine and Cupid is based on Greek mythology.
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A young woman with a hearing aid and her young childIt's true that hearing loss comes with age, in fact, a reported up to 50% of those over 75 are affected. However, the World Health Organization reports that approximately 17% of teenagers and 19% of people in their 20s have signs of hearing loss, and much is likely noise-induced, especially in this digital day and age.
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Eye ExamAs many of those over 40 know, eyesight seems to get worse every year thereafter, resulting in a hearty sprinkling of reading glasses around the house. When you think about it, we rarely think about our ocular health unless our eyes are giving us problems.
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two people passing food at a holiday dinnerHolidays have a bad rap when it comes to the fattening, unhealthy foods that generally accompany them, not to mention the extra boozing and grazing that occurs at many of the seasonal parties. But not all holiday foods can be blamed for packing on the pounds. Some elements of our traditional holiday feast even have "superfood" qualities.
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A woman picking fresh greens'Tis the season for fresh, locally-grown leafy greens. As one of the first seeds to hit the dirt in the early spring, these hearty plants are now hitting the shelves in abundance. High in antioxidants, the benefits of adding more greens to your diet seem endless, with studies touting a number of health benefits, including cancer prevention, stronger bones, brain health, better vision, and healthier skin, among many others.
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apple with heart beat carved in itNobody likes to go to the doctor, especially when they aren't sick. But preventative healthcare is a huge piece of the long, healthy, and happy life puzzle. Annual wellness exams often include a general screening, vitals check, labs, and maintenance for chronic health conditions. In fact, it isn't uncommon that these annual exams identify early-stage diseases like cancer, concerning blood pressure and cholesterol levels, thyroid dysfunction, and a host of other common deficiencies and abnormalities. And, since the Affordable Care Act (ACA) mandated 100 percent coverage for preventative care, there's no excuse for missing your annual physical.
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Person ExercisingAnymore, it's an expectation: New Year's Day rolls around and a laundry list of resolutions lies before us. Gym membership and self-help book sales skyrocket. The revelry of the holidays gives way to Dry January, "clean" meal planning, and the next best diet. Entrepreneurs recommit to the hustle. A growth mindset is on the tip of everyone's tongue. It seems that everyone is looking to fix, improve, and ascend the latter of some self-determined actualization or another.
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First Aid Kit Planning 101It's one of those things that's overlooked until it's absolutely necessary: a first aid kit. Whether you're relaxing at home, navigating five-o-clock traffic, or summer adventuring in your new RV, having a simple first aid kit can mean the difference between an inconvenience and an emergency.
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Seasonal Allergies: What's causing them and how to find reliefWinter is almost over and trees are budding with the first signs that spring is in the air. A crocus pops its sweet purple plumes through the last ice crystals and we heave a collective sigh of relief that, with the winter chills, the myriad of mucus-producing viruses is finally leaving the building. And then, for many, that first fatal sneeze. Spring, in all her verdant glory, has ushered back in seasonal allergies and the snotty noses and congestion we hoped not to revisit until the fall. For many of us in North Carolina, seasonal allergies aren't just a nuisance, they prevent outdoor recreation, socialization, yard maintenance, and a host of other activities that make summer, well, summer.
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Telehealth: Is it here to stay? The pandemic changed many things for many Americans, from how we work to how we socialize. One potentially positive shift is that it accelerated the already growing field of telehealth. Suddenly it became easier and made more sense to see your doctor online for basic ailments and routine check-ins. But is telehealth all it's cracked up to be? Here are some common questions you may have about telehealth:
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Pet Care 101: Tips for Hot Weather HandlingPets often become more like family members, and in the case of dogs (and the occasional cat), we tend to take them wherever we go. But before you pack up Fido for a summer road trip, it's important to think about how to keep your beloved pet safe when temperatures are extreme.
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Avoiding Summer Heat-Related IllnessesHeat-related illnesses are serious business. When left untreated, the symptoms of heat exhaustion can turn into heatstroke, which is life-threatening. During the prime summer months, this can be a big problem and one that can creep up on you, since the signs and symptoms of heatstroke can often look like something else. With normal summer temperatures slowly increasing around the globe, it's even more important to understand how heatstroke occurs and how you can prevent it.
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Water Conservation 101Most Americans don't worry about how much water they use. But life depends on having enough clean, fresh water and this precious resource is becoming more scarce every single year.
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